Friday, March 14, 2014

On Deck

It really isn't a surprise, but...

I have more ceramics projects in process than I can complete at once.


  • Two orchid pots - one is carved, one is not. Once the leftover clay is recycled, I need to throw deep saucers for them. Red stoneware. 
  • Three low-fire pots - for clay saggers. A vase, a large yunomi, and a small plate. They need to have terra sigilata applied and go into a ^08 bisque firing. Laguna whiteware.
  • Three chawan, one summer and two winter - the winter chawan are embellished with slip on the outside of the bowl to pick up the ash in the wood firing. I'm planning on glazing the interior only of these bowls, with a traditional tenmoku, shino or hare's fur. They got uncovered this week, before I could get them trimmed. I've sprayed down the feet and re-covered, but I don't know how they're going to go. Laguna Wood/Salt stoneware.
  • A tyg - great foot, and rutile slip trailing. I think that this is white stoneware. 
  • A puzzle box - I've just started the carving on this; 5" to limit the work involved. Considering an odd base, by cutting the box open at an oblique angle. Laguna low-fire whiteware.
  • Acanthus box - semi-oval with acanthus leaves emerging from and spiraling around the pot. The walls are constructed, but I'm not satisfied with shape/size. Will take some re-engineering. Laguna low-fire whiteware.
  • Three 14th/15th cent dishes. Laguna Wood/Salt stoneware.
  • One tyg. Laguna Wood/Salt stoneware.
  • Chawan. Laguna raku ware.

I'm trying to get enough done before the end of the semester to have a good showing at the school sale and Battlemoor. 
  • More Saintonge lanterns, using Robin's technique of throwing cone, and then pulling up the walls from under. These might go into a ^6 firing, with Sean's Juicy Fruit glaze. 
  • More 14th/15th cups.
  • More orchid pots.
  • Yarn bowls. 
Challenges: I'm having problems with centering, but have pretty much decided that perfect centering isn't as important as just throwing pots. Thankfully, chawan and yunomi aren't that fussy. I really need to be throwing more frequently. Having some a day job is kind of getting in the way of regular work because I really want to have more than a couple of hours of time to throw at a time. Also having problems with my wedging technique; I seem to be getting more air bubbles as time goes on. And finally - missing my record books with firing and glaze notes. :-(

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